The Farm

The Farm sits on Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and in the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations.

The fields at the farm have been untouched by modern conventional agriculture and have been used for hay and pasture over the last 100 years. Before settler colonization it would have been wetlands, hemlock, beech, white pine, white cedar and maple forests (with many other species of flora, fauna and fungi) as well as grasslands that may have been used and stewarded by indigenous people.

We are so grateful and thankful to the stewards of these lands who, for many millennia, helped rich soils develop and a bio-diverse ecosystem flourish, which we benefit from today. There are very few invasive species on the farm (other the overselves) and many rare and endanger species of flora and fauna.

Our Family bought the farm in February 2020 and have been slowly but surely fixing and building infrastructure, preparing the soil, and enjoying the beauty and diversity of the land.

We are excited to lauch Carrot Top Organics in 2022 and provide our family and our community with rich, diverse and healthy local food from our farm.

Who knows what the future will bring, but We have big plans, a big family and an even bigger community. We look forward to working as a team to steward the land, grow the tastiest and most diverse range of foods and share this incredible resource with our local community.